Favorite Neovim plugins
Some of my favorite Neovim plugins: Package manager lazy.nvim LSP and snippets LuaSnip cmp-nvim-lsp cmp_luasnip friendly-snippets mason-lspconfig.nvim mason.nvim nvim-cmp nvim-lspconfig Syntax highlighting nvim-treesitter Navigation aerial.nvim harpoon leap.nvim nvim-tree.lua nvim-treesitter-textobjects telescope.nvim trouble.nvim Git gitsigns.nvim vim-fugitive Text manipulation nvim-autopairs undotree vim-commentary vim-surround vim-unimpaired UI catppuccin diffview.nvim indent-blankline.nvim lualine.nvim markdown-preview.nvim nvim-web-devicons oil.nvim todo-comments.nvim which-key.nvim zen-mode.nvim Linting and quality tools none-ls.nvim
Sign your commits
It is good practice to sign your commits, the reason you sign a commit is to show that a commit was created by you. By default git accepts whatever author you provide it with, so anyone can pretend to be you. If someone would get access to your repository, for example by stealing your SSH-key, or cracking your password, they can commit whatever they want. Of course having an password protected SSH-key and a strong password with 2FA is good protection, but it still does not validate that you created the commit.
Set up a second HDD like the default one in Proxmox
This tutorial shows how to set up an extra harddisk in Promox, and split it in storage and a thinlvm pool. Format the disk, create a physical volume and volume group Find the new drive with fdisk: fdisk -l Create a partition on the new drive: fdisk /dev/sdb Validate the partition is there: fdisk -l Create a physical volume on the new partition: pvcreate /dev/sdb1 Create a new volume group: